A landscape-scale opportunity to advance conservation in the west, United States

The Nature Conservancy
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235 CHF
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Survol du projet:

United States
United States
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy
Farming & ranching communities
Farming & ranching communities

Survol du projet:

The Southern High Plains are one of the largest intact and connected prairie landscapes in North America and a critical component of conserving the Great Plains. With the land in the Southern High Plains under increasing threat , now is the time to act to secure its protection.

The partner
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is one of the world’s leading
conservation organizations. Founded in 1951 it now has over 1 million members and staff including over 400 scientists. TNC impacts conservation in 76 countries and territories; in the US the teams work across all 50 states, partnering with public and private partners, non profits and research institutions to deliver impact for communities and conservation.
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Chef de projet

Hui Fang

Calendrier du projet

250 USD
250 USD